We had a good week and things are picking up a lot here.
We are starting to see a lot of fruits of our efforts and things are
going well!
The entire Rodriguez family FINALLY came to church! The two
daughters, Lucero and Araceli, who are 20 and 22 have been coming for weeks and
are great, but the parents have been more difficult to get to come. But
they came yesterday and it was great. The Relief Society teacher didn't
come so the president asked me to give the lesson about temples and sealing. So
I taught on the spot but it turned out really well and was perfect for the
family because I focused a lot on how it is Impossible to enter into Exaltacion
without sealing in the temple. They were pretty worried because their
Catholic marriage isn't cutting it. So they enjoyed the lesson and we
went by afterwards and taught more about it and they are definitely warming up
to the idea of getting baptized so they can get sealed as a family.
These next few weeks will be interesting because we found
out that on October 5th they have elections here. Well apparently they
always have elections on saturdays, and when there are elections, it's illegal
to have any sort of public reunion or gathering because it is law that all go
vote. So we aren't allowed to have church that day. Which means we can't
watch general conference that weekend! Sad. :( So we have to wait until the
next weekend. Don't tell me about anything cool they talk about until I
see it! haha. That also means that we can't have baptisms those two weeks
because they have to get confirmed in sacrament meeting. So we have to
plan a lot better now.
I have been reading Jesus the Christ a lot because I really
want to finish it before I finish my mission. I love it! I was reading
about lots of the parables and I love the explanations and insights that
Talmage gives. Not going to lie, I didn't really understand a lot of those
parables before haha. But I especially loved when he was describing the
parable (I don't remember the name) but when the man goes and knocks on his
neighbor's door in the middle of the night asking for bread for a traveler, and
the neighbor doesn't want to get up and give it to him , but in the end he does
it. I love that becuse I was thinking about my life and how much Heavenly
Father loves us, that he really wants to give us all these "gifts" so
we just need to keep knocking and when we keep knocking and keep asking humbly,
he will give them to us when we have proven our Faith. So keep having
Good week, thanks for all the love and prayers! Life is good
here and I love being in the service of the Lord.
Helaman 3:35.
Love you bunches!
Hermana Jones
Hermana Jones
p.s. I did a work visit with Hermana Stirling and she had
ranch dressing and we made wraps and it was heavenly. I forgot that ranch
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