Monday, September 30, 2013

6 weeks?

Hola mi familia!!
What an awesome week this has been! I can't believe it has already been a transfer since I got to Peru! We have transfers this week, and we are supposed to find out today if we are leaving and what not, but we still don't know.  Hermana Agle and I are both pretty sure that we will be staying here together for another transfer, but we'll see!

Two of our investigators, Iran and Cianny, got baptized this week! They are 13, and 9.  Cool story about them: They have been taught by the missionaries for months, because their mom is a member.  The problem is that they haven't wanted to be baptized and kept pushing back their baptismal date.  When we switched areas a couple of weeks ago, they fell into our hands.  We worked with them a lot and it was so difficult to get them to commit to a date.  Then they got chicken pox and it was all just crazy.  They were supposed to get baptized last week but just kept wanting to push it back and we couldn't figure out why.  We finally found out that this whole time, they hadn't been living the word of wisdom! They love their tea.  We talked about it a lot with them and they finally agreed to stop drinking tea, and a miracle happened! The DAY AFTER they stopped, they were so much happier.  They understood better, they were more excited about everything, and they couldn't wait to get baptized this week.  It's so amazing to see the difference it makes to keep all the commandments! So they got baptized this week which was awesome.  The water was freezing, but they did it anyway and they got confirmed on Sunday.

The grandson of our pensionista got baptized this week, and she asked us to do a special musical number.  She requested that we sing "if you could hie to Kolob," because it is the hymn that the missionaries sang at the baptism of her family, 11 years ago.  That hymn is not in the Spanish hymn book, so we got the lyrics from her in spanish, and we did one verse in Spanish, one in English, and then one where Hna Agle sang in English and me and Spanish.  It was really cool and really fun.  And I have total confidence singing in front of people here because they are so nice and don't really know any better if we are singing wrong. It was cool. 

Also this week, we had a really cool conference with Elder Uceda, of the 70.  He and his wife came and spoke to some of the zones in our mission.  It was really really cool and powerful.  I learned a lot about what it means to be a missionary and have been looking at missionary work differently ever since.  He talked a lot about obedience, and how we need to ACT like the representatives of Jesus Christ that we are.  He talked about some other stuff too.  Pretty much it was just super cool and I loved it.  

Near the end of the conference, I realized that I understood everything he was saying and didn't even have to think to hard about it.  He was speaking Spanish the whole time! Woo! I was pretty excited when I realized that.  The Spanish is definitely coming more every day! I'm finally at the point where I'm not hindered in preaching the Gospel.  I still have a lot to improve on, but I can fulfill my purpose!

Love you all and thanks for everything!
-Hermana Jones

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